Are you experiencing foul smell, black droppings, and scratching at home? These signs mean that you have a rat infestation in your home. Rats are a commonly found pest at home, and they largely impact the lives of homeowners. Thus, knowing the signs of rat infestation is vital. In this article, we have listed some common signs suggested by rat removal company Glen Burnie pointing towards rats in the home. Here we go!
Top 5 Signs of Rats at Home
1. You come across rat’s droppings
It is perhaps one of the most common signs of rat infestation. Rat droppings are generally dark and moist but become dry and gray with time. Sometimes, you might come across droppings without any sign of rats, but remember, one of the critters is nearby. You will find droppings near the food sources, kitchen, and pantry.
2. Weird scratching noises
You will hear the squeaking sounds of the rats. These nocturnal creatures are more active at night, and you can witness it by staying up at night. From hearing scratching sounds in the hallways to squeaking, they will come out and wander in the house searching for food items.
3. Strange smell
Rats emit a strange smell. It is one of the most solid reasons to confirm that you have a rat infestation at home. It comes from the urine in the nests of the rats. You will come across a musty ammonia smell. Moreover, a strong odor is emitted if the rat dies inside the walls or the cabinet, which remains for more than a week, and it becomes difficult to find where it is coming from.
4. You will find nests
Rats usually build nests in hidden places. It could be in the cupboard, shredded paper, or any stack that is left untouched. So make sure to look through these places thoroughly.
5. Strange gnaw marks
Inspect ducts, pipes, or rafters for gnaw marks. Wood is the rat’s favorite substance to gnaw on. Recent gnaw marks are light-colored, whereas the older ones will be darker.
6. Seeing live rats at home
Imagine seeing rats running from one corner to another. Once you start witnessing, you know you have rat infestation at your house. Rats are active at night, so if you see them during the day, the infestation is increasing.
Final Thoughts!
Rat in your home can destroy your property and health. Thus, eliminating rat infestation is essential. So detecting it early will help prevent damage and health risks.