Monday, February 10

How long do Gelish nails last? Gelish is a pure, thin UV gel that is pigmented in various degrees to give colors.

It is a natural nail designed for natural nail enhancement.

Gelish nails can be applied like a normal polish (base coat, color coat, and top coat)but cured under UV.

Gelish enhances the length of natural nails making them longer and stronger.


So, how long does Gelish nails last?

The time in which Gelish nail last depends on each client’s nails and how it’s been cared for.

But the longest you can wear a Gelish nail without compromising your nail Health is two weeks.

Even though your manicure might still look perfect after two weeks, you might run the risk of damaging them if you keep them longer.

The safest time is to go to your manicurist after two weeks to remove the polish without damaging or striping your nails.


Does Gelish Ruin Your Nails?

Though Gelish can be very good-looking and beautiful it can sometimes be tough and rough on the nails. It can cause nail brittleness, cracking, and peeling.

Regularly using it can result in immature old skin, especially on your hands, and exposure to skin cancer.

The main reason Gelish ruins the nails is because of the prying or forcing the Polish of the nails.

It is also important to note that it depends on the kind of Gelish being used.

Modern gel formulas are harmless, they help protect your nails from environmental elements.

Reviews show that the only damages derived from this process are mechanical which is rare.

Roughing up the nails with files is not made for natural nails prior to application, forcefully peeling is also harmful to natural nails.

How Do You Make Gelish Nails Last Longer?

Apply needed cuticle oil: Even though you’re not going to be using or wearing your Gelish for a Long time, you can still keep it clean and good-looking.

And to achieve this you need cuticle oil. This oil will strengthen your nails and prevent them from peeling, cutting, or breaking.

The cuticle oil should be used two times per day.

Always file your nails and wear a top coat:

instead of using your teeth to pick your nail when you have a Little snag on it, it is important you use a file to prevent any further peeling or cutting.

You can keep a small nail file in your bag so that it will always be available when needed.

Though a clear top coat won’t do anything in making the nails last longer, it is not bad if it gives them a little shine and glows making your nails look fresh.

Keep your nails dry:

it is very essential you keep the nails dry.

When you are washing ensure to wear washing gloves so that water won’t penetrate the nails.

Getting the Gelish wet might cause nail breakage and brittleness.

Be gentle with The Nails:

Ensure you don’t use your nails to pick hard surfaces.

During your daily activities make sure you are extra careful with the nails to avoid forceful breakage.

Minimize exposure to hot water:

hot water can enter the nail plate and cause the polish to lift and peel.

Reverse french:

If you are seeing silver grow out at the base of your nails, cover up the open area by putting on another polish with a contrasting shade,

Therefore, helping to camouflage the stitch.


What To Do When Nail Gel Grows Out

Space manicure (negative): if you have a busy schedule and can not go to the salon to redo your nails, a nail manicure is a good option.

This incorporates your natural Nails into the design of the manicured nail so that it looks like part of The design.

Gap filling with normal gel polish: it is not easy to hide gap growth especially when you love color polish.

If you don’t have the time to go to a professional salon, you can use natural nail polish to hide the obvious ugly nail gap.

For black color, it is advisable to join your regular nail polish to the manicure nail polish to blend and fill the gap.

With patterned nails, you can extend the pattern into your natural nail with a touch of regular polish to fill the gap.

Glitter polish:

Glitter polish is very adhesive and easy to apply.

This is a very good regrowth filler. With regular polish, there might be bumps and rough edges which might be hard to hide.

But with glitter polish, chumps and bumps can be hidden.

Book a nail refill with a nail professional :

Though nail hacks can be good and prolong nail life, it is best to consult a manicurist to refill your nails.

With a nail refill, your manicurist can blend and cure the nails, thereby prolonging their life of the nail.

Do Gel Nails Last Longer Than Acrylics?

Reviews show that acrylics nail last longer than gel nails. If placed accurately, acrylics nail can provide a hard and sturdy layer that can protect the real nail.

Though gel nail is more beautiful and Good looking than acrylics nail, it tends to weaken In less than three weeks while acrylics nail last longer.


How Often Should You Take A Break From Gel nails?

For Gel Nail it’s advisable to take a week break at the interval of seven weeks to hydrate and allow the nails to breathe.

During the weekly interval, it is important to use repair oil such as cuticle oil to repair the nails.

If you don’t take a break from acrylic nails, it can cause severe damage to the nail.

Remember, during the break interval, ensures to visit or book an appointment with a nail professional to safely remove the nails and apply effective treatment to make the nails healthier.

How To Tell If Gelish Nail Is Bad

Change in color: When the actual color of the gel starts to change, it indicates that it has gone bad.

If you notice that your nail color has changed, throw it away and buy a new one.

Gel polish is supposed to last nine to twelve months, so if your polish is more than that throw it away.

Thicker or thinner than usual: If you notice your nail polish is becoming thicker or thinner than before it indicates that it’s going bad.

Being exposed to sunlight and air can make it brittle and break the gel and non-useable.

If the nail starts to thicken, try adding a thinner gel to help.

If the nail gets too thin try putting it in the fridge for some time to make it thicker.

Clumpiness of the gel:

Gel begins to clump when it’s exposed to sun or UV rays. The Clumpiness of the gel is a result of the nail being expired.

Change in odor: Gel polish changes odor when it’s getting worse and this is a result of the ingredients breaking down.

You will notice the smell getting stronger due to the exposure to sun and air.

Dullness of gel:

When it is getting worse the gel turns dull in appearance, so make sure to check the expiration date before using.

What’s The Difference Between Gelish Nail And Gel Nails?

Unlike gel nails, Gelish can be applied under UV rays which makes the natural nail longer.

Gel and Gelish have the same or similar components and ingredients. They are both good-looking and enhance the nail.

How Long After Gel Nails Can I Shower?

You can definitely shower, go swimming, and do other water-related activities after gel nail.

But it is advisable you wait for at least five hours before showering so that the nails will be fully dried.

Showering immediately after gel nails can damage and spoil the nails.

So to avoid smudging, it is best to wait before showering.

To speed up the drying process use fast-drying nail polish.

Reviews have shown that hot baths and showers can spoil nails and make them lift.


Can You Use Gelish On Natural Nails?

Yes. Gel polish can be applied to both natural and acrylic nails.

Before applying it on the natural nail, ensure to clean the nails well to remove remnants of old gel polish. It should be cleaned with effective cuticle oil.

File the nails to your desired length, clean with cuticle, remove traces of old gel, clean and wipe the nails with cleanser,

Apply pH bond, including Gelish base coat, place your hand in Gelish led light for some seconds, apply gel polish,

Wipe off tacky surfaces with cleanser, and use cuticle oil to clean the surface.



Gelish gel is more beautiful and good-looking on the surface but can also cause damage to the nail when not taken proper care of.

It is important to put into consideration the full measures on how to apply Gelish nail and follow it carefully.

Reviews have also shown that it is important to take a break from gel polish to avoid nail damage.

However, proper usage is not wrong but brings out the desired results for your nails.

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